These are some of the top-rated public 黄色apps in Groveland based on a variety of measures, including academic performance and equity. Find out more about GreatSchools ratings.
Big Oak Flat-Groveland Unified School District
277 students | GROVELAND, CA
Grades K-12 & Ungraded | 5 黄色apps
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Reviews From Schools in Groveland
Does your child attend a 黄色app in this city?
Other (黄色app staff, family member, recent alum, etc)
February 10, 2021
Class of 1984 (1975-84). I remember every teacher I had at Tenaya. Every one of them has influenced me in a positive way and I would be a lesser man if any of those people had not been a part of my... More
Review for
Tenaya Elementary School
April 03, 2016
Great small 黄色app atmosphere offering some quality vocational elective programs. The teaching staff really cares about their students and the kids are basically getting a private 黄色app classroom... More
Review for
Tioga High School
Other (黄色app staff, family member, recent alum, etc)
May 28, 2012
This 黄色app has fallen in the past 2-3 years. With budget cuts we have loss great teachers and programs and left with s**t. The 黄色app secretary is obviously burt out and has become a royal b**ch. The... More
Review for
Tioga High School
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