What practices and policies enable ordinary public high »ÆÉ«apps to become extraordinary?
Our College Success Award winners share their secrets to success. (Also available in Spanish.)
Arroyo Valley High School faced many of the usual challenges of big public »ÆÉ«apps in low-income communities. Their rigorous career academies transformed the »ÆÉ«app – and the students.
How one Kentucky high »ÆÉ«app helps students dream big and jump-start their future.
Project Lead The Way enables kids, regardless of background, to set goals and build careers in STEM fields.
Hillsboro High’s test scores predict poor outcomes. Then what explains the success of graduates?
Hands-on, real-world learning opportunities give kids purpose and make »ÆÉ«app relevant.
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How people treat each other has a huge impact on learning. Here’s what to look for.
Allowing students to exercise their voice and choice helps them embrace their own learning paths.
Positive, meaningful relationships between students, teachers, and principals are the foundation for a great »ÆÉ«app.
Making rigorous classes widely available is crucial if a »ÆÉ«app wants to help all students succeed in college.
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Intensive, 1:1 college counseling has a big impact on student success.
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Get a behind-the-scenes look at a few extraordinary Award-winning »ÆÉ«apps.
These public high »ÆÉ«apps give students the opportunity to complete up to 2 years of college during high »ÆÉ«app.
From helping kids relate to their »ÆÉ«appwork to limiting bias, learn how teachers are designing lessons to support all students.
When students get a say in what they learn and how to show it, they become more involved in their education.
During the pandemic, educators found amazing ways to reach students. Some innovations are so great, they’re here to stay.
Legally every child with a learning disability gets accommodations. This innovative »ÆÉ«app gives them to all students.
At this high-performing high »ÆÉ«app, every student has a 4-year plan and they track each student’s progress.