By now, your middle or high »ÆÉ«app student has taken plenty of tests. They’re a fact of life as students progress through middle and high »ÆÉ«app, college, and the workplace.

All tests are not created equal. They are tools designed for different purposes. Some tests are designed much better than others and even the best is only one piece of information about a student or a »ÆÉ«app. Understanding what a test is designed to measure will allow you to ask critical questions of your student, your »ÆÉ«app, »ÆÉ«app board, and lawmakers. It will help you interpret the results and help your student prepare. Here’s a primer:

Classroom tests and quizzes

Your student has been taking classroom tests written by a teacher for years. Teachers also use or adapt the pre-written tests that come packaged with textbooks or as part of the district curriculum.

What the results mean

Because classroom tests are given more frequently than standardized tests, they provide more insights into a student’s strengths and weaknesses. They tell how well your child knows a specific subject taught by a specific teacher and how they score compared to classmates. Classroom tests give the teacher feedback so they can adjust lesson plans.

Questions parents should ask

Ask the teacher what test results show about your child’s strengths and weaknesses, and what your child should be doing at home to prepare. Ask the principal and teachers how they use test results to improve instruction.

Diagnostic tests

Your »ÆÉ«app district or »ÆÉ«app may use these tests to assess your child’s strengths and weaknesses in a particular subject. They’re also used for placement purposes to see if your child is ready for a more advanced math or language class. Many colleges require diagnostic tests in math and English for placement purposes.

What the results mean

Like classroom tests, these provide valuable information about whether your child needs extra help in a subject and also gives the »ÆÉ«app feedback about whether teachers are succeeding.

Questions parents should ask

Ask whether placement decisions are based on a single test score. The practice of tracking has come into question in the past few years. One reason is because some students are being tracked into classes that may not count toward high »ÆÉ«app graduation or college admission. And, since advanced courses are so important for student success, you may need to discuss with your »ÆÉ«app counselor or principal what barriers may be barring your child from access to more challenging or rigorous courses. Dr. Christopher Tienken, assistant superintendent for curriculum and instruction in New Jersey and a professor at the Rutgers University Graduate School of Education, says, “In high »ÆÉ«app, if a student is kept out of an honors English class because of a test score, but he’s doing great in language arts, the »ÆÉ«app should have a waiver program in place so that he still has the right to take the class.”

Ask your principal how the results of these tests are used to better prepare students to advance to the next level. Talk to the teachers and counselor about whether your child will be ready for college math and English. In California, for example, students who plan on applying to the state university system can take . The results will indicate if they need extra help preparing for college, which is still more than one year away.

State standardized tests

These tests can include multiple-choice, short-response or essay questions. States buy them “off the shelf” from test publishers or contract with test publishers to develop tests that reflect state standards.

The federal , signed into law in 2001, promoted standardized testing to encourage students to achieve proficiency in math and reading. Many education experts disagreed with the volume of testing this reform required. In 2014, the took steps to reduce standardized testing, but no administration has given states permission to abandon all standardized tests.

The federal requirement sets the timetable for testing, determines the subjects tested, and requires that the results be broken down by certain subgroups, including, for example, English-language learners, ethnic/racial groups, and students with disabilities. But it’s up to states to choose the test and define minimum levels of improvement.

Standardized tests are typically given once a year, in the spring, to students at certain grade-levels — most commonly grades 3 through 8 and one year in high »ÆÉ«app, but there are variations (here’s a list of ). Test results are typically reported months later.

There are two types of standardized tests:

1. Tests that measure a student’s knowledge based on an established standard

States and some districts spell out what students at each grade level are supposed to know in content standards. Most states use standards-based tests to measure a student’s progress toward meeting those standards. The results are reported in levels that are linked to the standards, such as “below basic, basic, proficient, and advanced.”

High »ÆÉ«app exit exams are examples of standards-based tests. They are currently given in less than half of the states. Once popular, . Students get a number of chances to pass, and in many of the states, they won’t get diplomas if they don’t. In other states, exam scores are recorded on a student’s diploma but passing the test isn’t required for graduation. States offer special options for students with learning disabilities, and some offer the same for English-language learners.

Passing these tests doesn’t mean a student knows everything they need to learn in high »ÆÉ«app: In some states, the tests are based on eighth- or ninth-grade standards; in most, they are aligned with 10th-grade learning standards.

What the standardized test results mean

A standards-based test is designed to tell you how well your child is learning what your state says is important and how well your »ÆÉ«app is doing in matching what’s taught in the classroom to these state standards. You can compare your »ÆÉ«app’s results to others in your state, but you can’t compare them to »ÆÉ«apps in other states because each state has its own content standards and tests. It’s also important to know that some state tests are much more difficult than others and that state standards vary widely, as well. Many are long laundry lists of topics that classroom teachers would have a tough time covering during the »ÆÉ«app year.

The is a congressionally mandated large-scale test given to students in every state, typically in grades 4 to 8 in math, reading, and science. Additional assessments are also given occasionally in arts, civics, economics, geography, writing, U.S. history, technology, and engineering. NAEP test results are useful for comparing one state’s results to another (and some select district), but it is only given to a sample of students in each state. What’s more, it’s not possible to compare results from different »ÆÉ«apps.

Questions parents should ask

Your child’s »ÆÉ«app should be testing what’s taught in the classroom and teaching what your state’s standards say is important for your child to know. How do you know if that’s happening? Tienken suggests this to get a snapshot: Next time your geometry student brings home a test, . Compare the test to the standards. “You can tell if, my gosh, this is a low-level test for high-level math,” he says.

Kate Steinheimer, a parent, teacher and former GreatSchools project manager, suggests another spot check: Have your child show you where the class is in the math textbook. If it’s midway through the »ÆÉ«app year and the class isn’t midway through the book, that’s an indication that it might be time to talk to the teacher. Your child might be tested on material they won’t have learned at test time.

2. Tests that show how a student compares to peers

Many states use these tests, called norm-referenced tests, as part of their testing programs. They are designed to measure students against a representative sample of their peers. The results fall on a bell-shaped curve and are frequently reported in percentiles, with 50% being average. If your student gets a 60 percent, for example, then your child scored better than 60 percent of the students in the sample.

What these test results mean

A national norm-referenced test can be useful in making national comparisons of how students perform. But it doesn’t tell you much about the success of your »ÆÉ«app. Because these tests are written so that results can be sorted on a bell curve, for example, these tests include very difficult questions designed so that only a few students will be able to answer. As testing expert , these tests “actually measure what students bring to »ÆÉ«app, not what students are taught in »ÆÉ«app. Such tests, of course, should not be used to evaluate a »ÆÉ«app’s success. A »ÆÉ«app should be judged primarily by what students have learned there.” (Editor’s note: This is one of the reasons that »ÆÉ«app has different ratings that go together to make the Summary Rating. While the Test Score Rating is helpful, it can reflect more of what students bring to »ÆÉ«app, while the Student Progress or Academic Progress Rating better reflects how well the »ÆÉ«app is educating students.)

Questions parents should ask

Find your »ÆÉ«app on , and check out the »ÆÉ«app’s Summary Rating, Test Scores Rating, Academic Progress or Student Progress Rating, Equity Rating, and College Readiness Rating. Ask your principal how the results are used to improve learning and teaching.

Specialized standardized tests

AP exams

The College Board administers the in which students do college-level work in high »ÆÉ«app and have the opportunity to get college credit for it. If your student takes an AP course, the teacher will be using a lesson plan developed by College Board and in May will take the same three-hour AP exam in that subject as other students across the nation.

What AP exam results mean

Getting a 3 or above on the AP exams’ five-point scale is like getting a C or better in a college course. But that doesn’t necessarily mean a student will get college credit. Students typically earn college credit for a course if they score a 4 or 5 on the AP exam. As AP classes have become more popular, some college officials have questioned their rigor.

Some research shows that AP classes are worth the extra work whether or not a student gets college credit: Students who get good grades on AP exams do better in college. But other researchers say the students who take AP exams would succeed in college anyway because they are motivated and academically prepared before they ever walk into an AP classroom.

Questions parents should ask about AP courses and exams

Ask your child’s counselor how you can help him prepare for challenging classes, such as AP courses.

International Baccalaureate (IB) tests

The IB program is a series of highly challenging courses and exams offered at nearly 2,000 public and private »ÆÉ«apps across the U.S. It is a rigorous international program administered by the International Baccalaureate Organization in Geneva, Switzerland. Students are given the tests worldwide in May and November.

What IB test results mean

Students who successfully complete this rigorous program receive a diploma that is widely recognized. Most universities consider IB courses to be college level and will give students college credit for successfully passing the related exam.

Questions parents should ask about IB classes and exams

and if your »ÆÉ«app doesn’t already offer it and you think it’s right for your »ÆÉ«app, ask your »ÆÉ«app site council or high »ÆÉ«app principal how you can help work toward that goal.

College admissions tests

Many colleges require applicants to take either the SAT or the ACT. These tests measure reading, writing, and math skills that students have learned throughout their education as a means of predicting how well they will do in college. Some colleges also require applicants to take up to three SAT subject tests, but it depends on the »ÆÉ«app and often, the major students are applying to. While the SAT was created as an aptitude test, the subject tests were designed to measure achievement in a particular subject.

What college admission test results show

Because high »ÆÉ«apps vary widely in their rigor, these tests give admissions officers a way to compare students nationally. But SAT and ACT scores have been shown to be less important predictors of college success than a student’s high »ÆÉ«app grades and whether or not they completed challenging classes in core subjects. An SAT and ACT test score is only one factor colleges use in making admissions decisions, and since the pandemic, a .

Questions parents should ask about college admission tests

Ask the counselor what tests are required by the »ÆÉ«apps on your child’s college list and when is the best time to take them. Ask about test fees and if they are beyond your budget, ask the counselor if financial aid is available to help. Students should become familiar with the format of the admissions test they plan to take. Learn more about how your child can be prepared by reading Understanding college admissions tests and How to help your child get ready for the SAT or ACT.