Teen drivers with ADHD: realities and risks
Getting behind the wheel can be especially risky for teens with ADHD. But with extra time and effort, you can help your teen become a safe, competent driver.
Managing ADHD with medication: An overview
If your child has ADHD, odds are that his doctor has recommended medication. Learn more about what treatments are available for managing this condition.
ADHD with other disorders
Learn about disorders that often co-exist with AD/HD — and what to expect as your child is being evaluated.
Mother-and-son ADD
Pulitzer Prize-winning author Katherine Ellison on her revealing new memoir about raising a son with ADD (and having it herself).
Andrew's journal: Growing up with dyslexia and ADHD
From second grade through high »ÆÉ«app, Andrew has shared his story of getting through »ÆÉ«app with the dual challenges of dyslexia and ADHD.
Frequently used educational terms: learning and attention problems
Cut through the confusion by becoming familiar with the medical, psychological, legal and educational terms often used in educational settings.
Signs of ADHD
Signs that your child might have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
Risky sexual relationships in teens with LD or ADHD
Teens with LD and/or ADHD are vulnerable when it comes to sex. An expert tells parents how to educate, not alienate, their teens.
Buzz: A Year of Paying Attention
An excerpt from Katherine Ellison's new memoir about her son's battles with ADD.
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