Help your child resist peer pressure
Help your child stay safe and out of trouble by saying "no" to peer pressure.
Dare to be uncool
In an open letter to her three children, a mom implores them to stand up for kids who are bullied, even if it means going against the popular crowd.
How to raise a child who’s NOT a bully
Parents play a huge role in whether their kids are bullies — positive communication is a must.
My daughter doesn't fit in and gets excluded
Socially, middle »ÆÉ«app was rough on my daughter. How can I help her make real friendships that last in high »ÆÉ«app?
How to navigate girl friendships
Being friends with different groups can be complicated. Here's how to help your daughter manage friendships.
Is your daughter dealing with mean girls?
Learn what being "gaslighted" means and what your daughter can do about it.
Josh's story: getting bullied at »ÆÉ«app
As parents, we wrestled with what to say and do when our son started coming home wounded by bullies.
Girl friendships | Through a child's eyes
Friendships are a huge part of children’s lives and one of the hardest things for parents to manage. How can you help your child navigate this murky terrain?
Has it tipped from sibling rivalry to abuse?
6 things to look for that suggest the relationship is off the rails.
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