Getting into college involves so much more than filling out an application. Our college prep timelines begin in 9th grade and continue, month by month, through the end of 12th grade.

The road to college can be complicated and confusing for students and parents alike. We’ve collected unbiased and comprehensive input from multiple expert sources and organized it into month-by-month timelines to help all aspiring college students — and their families — organize their college prep efforts.

College prep in 9th grade involves pivotal choices about which courses and extracurricular activities will set them up for success. Our 9th grade college prep timeline helps parents and students understand concepts like the important distinction between classes that count toward high »ÆÉ«app graduation but not for college admission, the importance of taking on academic and extracurricular challenges, the best strategies for communicating with teachers and college counselors, and the nuts and bolts of helping 9th graders learn to manage their schedules and their time, practice effective study habits, and see themselves as future college students.


9th grade college prep timeline

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September • October • November • December • January • February • March • April • May • June

August college prep to-do’s

Set the tone for high »ÆÉ«app

Encourage an academic environment at home by incorporating these four research-backed practices that help kids get into college, and take a moment to consider these 10 tips for helping teens thrive in high »ÆÉ«app.

Teach your teen time management

Help your 9th grader develop time management skills. These skills are key to raising grades, reducing stress, and thriving in »ÆÉ«app and life.

Print (and post) this list of 9th grade vocabulary words

Teens who know these 9th grade academic vocabulary words can better understand what they read and hear in class. Post this list on your fridge and use these words in everyday conversation with your teen. Your teen’s »ÆÉ«app work and future PSAT, SAT, and ACT scores will thank you.

Play now, benefit later

By joining »ÆÉ«app teams, groups, and clubs that interest them, kids get more out of their high »ÆÉ«app experience. And, when students stay involved with an extracurricular for all four years of high »ÆÉ«app, it looks great on college applications.


September college prep to-do’s

4 things to know about your 9th grader’s GPA

Learn 4 key things about freshman year grades — and talking points to explain them to your teen.

Prop those STEM doors open

Find an extracurricular activity to cultivate your teen’s STEM skills outside of »ÆÉ«app. Research suggests that enrichment experiences such as math circles, coding classes, and science projects influence kids’ passions as much as or more than their high »ÆÉ«app classes. So if you want your child to find STEM subjects fascinating, expose them to fascinating STEM activities.

Know the difference between graduation requirements and college requirements

There’s an important truth about high »ÆÉ«app. What your child’s »ÆÉ«app requires for students to graduate is almost always less than what colleges require for students to be accepted. Check in with your child’s counselor (many will even let you email) to make sure your teen’s courses will apply toward both goals. While you’re at it, you can ask the counselor for college-ready course recommendations for the next four years.

10 tips for better test taking

Learn how to help your child ace tests and use them as a tool for learning.


October college prep to-do’s

Help your child be the first to go to college

If your child will be the first in your family to attend college, here are specific tips and resources to help you get your teen successfully through high »ÆÉ«app and into college.

Learn about saving for college — starting now

It’s never too late to start a college savings plan. Here are 13 smart steps to take now.

Learn why Algebra is so important

Algebra is known as a gatekeeper subject, so when should your child take it?

Coach your child on how to write a great paper

No, you’re not supposed to write (or outline) it for them. But you can help your teen think through their key points. Learn how.


November college prep to-do’s

Think about a challenge

Have your child talk to teachers and/or the »ÆÉ«app counselor about the options and possibilities of taking honors, IB, AP, dual-enrollment, or other advanced classes in the next few years. It’ll help your child think about taking on academic challenges.

Help your teen practice group discussion skills

Practice group discussion skills with your child at home. Though they’re crucial in high »ÆÉ«app, college, at work, and even in social circles — these skills are rarely explicitly taught.


December college prep to-do’s

Think about helping your teen improve their reading speed and comprehension

Yes, high »ÆÉ«app students can become stronger readers. Here’s expert advice on how you can help.

Study, study, study

Support your teen as they prepare for finals. For many freshmen, this first round of high »ÆÉ«app finals feels like a whole new level of stress, since kids are typically taking tough, comprehensive tests for the first time. Make sure your child is studying effectively, eating well, and getting enough rest. Most importantly, make sure they know that no matter what happens, you love them and this is »ÆÉ«app — it is meant to be a learning experience.


January college prep to-do’s

A good time to join in

Your child may have been overwhelmed at the beginning of the year, and that’s okay. Now’s a great time for teens to explore sports, groups, and clubs to find out what they’re interested in. Being involved in extracurriculars is a great way to make new friends with shared interests and to feel more connected to »ÆÉ«app. On the college prep front, extracurriculars can also help with your child’s applications. Why? When students stay involved in one or two extracurriculars for at least two years, it looks good to colleges (and research shows it’s linked to long-term success).

Time for your teen to take a personality test!

Why? These free tests get teens thinking about careers and college majors.


February college prep to-do’s

3 smart steps toward paying for college

Now is the time to look into what college will cost and to think about how you (and your child) might pay for it. Here are 3 steps to get started:
1. Read our piece 7 insider tips on paying for college.
2. Take one of these 13 steps toward saving for college.
3. Use the to see how much need-based funding your child might get.

Make the most of your teen’s summer

Summer is a great time for teens to try an internship, job, summer courses, community service, or other enrichment activities. Summer accomplishments can be a critical part of a teen’s college applications. Read more about planning your teen’s summer after 9th grade.

Check out career day!

Does your child’s »ÆÉ«app — or any local »ÆÉ«app — have a career day planned? It’s a fun, no-risk way to introduce teens to possible career paths.

Tame your social butterfly

Now that your freshman has the lay of the land, teachers may tell you your teen is talking in class or being disruptive. Talk to your child about being respectful and listening to teachers and peers.

Chose smart electives

In addition to challenging academic classes, college-bound teens should choose electives that cultivate their interests, strengths, and talents.


March college prep to-do’s

How are your teen’s problem-solving skills?

Here’s how to empower your teen to solve problems on their own. Watch now.

A no-pressure visit to a college campus

No need to take a formal tour. Simply walking around any college campus helps teens get a feel for the environment and start to envision college life. Try one of these 15 low-key ideas for visiting college campuses.


April college prep to-do’s

Start a trophy wall

We’re kidding — sort of. College applications will be easier if you start keeping track of your child’s accomplishments, awards, and any recognition (for sports, community service, academics) now. Snap photos of certificates, note dates and official names, and jot down a few in-the-moment details. Keep it all in a folder or Google doc. By starting now, you’ll bypass the stress of trying to remember the details come college application time.

Getting a tax refund? Consider putting it away for college.

It’s never too late to start a college savings plan. Here are 13 smart steps you can take now.

Is your child being tracked in math?

The answer is likely yes — even if you don’t know what track your child’s on or where it’s leading. Learn how to identify — and maybe change — your child’s math track.

Pop quiz: Which class is the most advanced — Honors, AP, or College Prep?

If you don’t know, you’re not alone. Depending on your child’s high »ÆÉ«app syllabus, some classes may sound more advanced than they are. Talk to the »ÆÉ«app counselor to find out which classes will challenge your child and count toward both graduation and college admission. (You may be surprised at which classes don’t meet these criteria.) Now is the time to review your child’s classes for next year to ensure they count for all of your child’s goals.


May college prep to-do’s

3 ways to make summer count

There are many ways to squeeze college-smart activities into your child’s summer. Here are just three:

1) Getting a job;

2) Volunteering;

3) Signing up for an enrichment program (think: an advanced summer »ÆÉ«app class, a music class, a summer reading challenge through your public library).

Give finals week support

Support your teen as they prepare for finals — whether it’s encouraging them to get enough sleep, exercise, and eat well or making sure they’ve got a study space that really works. Some colleges will look at your child’s freshman year grades, so it’s important they do their best, but what’s really key this year is establishing effective study habits and routines that will help now and in college.


June college prep to-do’s

Get a feel for college life

Have your child do a little for-fun research into colleges. Ask your child what looks appealing about them.

Find a worthy cause and pitch in

Have your child think about a cause they are passionate about and find a way to help locally. It can be an eye-opening and motivating experience.

Read, read, read!

Reading for pleasure is a sign of intellect and drive. Encourage your child to make reading part of their everyday schedule over the summer in three ways:

1) Read two in-depth news articles a day from reputable sources.

2) Read one long-form New Yorker article a week for exposure to complex vocabulary, sentence structure, and story structure.

3) Read a few books from this list.