Just thinking about saving for college can send some parents into a panic. It’s so expensive — and the costs go up every year. But the truth is, most parents don’t save the full amount for college. In fact, according to the College Board, most families use one-third savings, one-third current income, and one-third borrowing to pay for college. And when it comes to saving now, even small amounts can add up over time. Check out our expert tips for smart saving at every stage of your child’s life — because small moves now can make a big difference later.

A pre»ÆÉ«app parent’s guide to saving for college
Life is hectic. Your hands are full. But putting small amounts of money aside now will make paying for college a little easier later.

An elementary »ÆÉ«app parent’s guide to saving for college
Effectively saving for college involves more than just socking away money. Here are the most effective steps parents can take now.

The middle »ÆÉ«app parent’s guide to saving for college
It’s not too late to start a college savings plan — or to increase the amount you’re already setting aside. Here are nine smart tips for getting started.

A high »ÆÉ«app parent’s guide to saving for college
It’s never too late to start a college savings plan. Here are 13 steps you can take — starting now.