A crafty way to teach little ones empathy
Making friendship treasure boxes is a fun (and easy) way for the pre»ÆÉ«app set to practice listening and learn empathy — two skills they'll need in kindergarten.
Is your child's lying and stealing a sign of a life of crime?
A little one who lies and steals may seem destined for a life of crime, but both behaviors are far less alarming when viewed through a child development lens.
Is it normal that your pre»ÆÉ«apper has an imaginary friend?
All children play make-believe, but some are more creative than others. If your little one has imaginary friends, here's what you should know.
Teaching manners and empathy to pre»ÆÉ«appers
Sometimes, sorry, please, and thank you seem like the hardest words for your little one to utter. But the real goal, according to experts, is your child's empathy and kindness.
When your child wails, "Mama, don't leave!"
Pre»ÆÉ«appers can be confident and independent one moment, then clingy and shy (or slow to warm) at transition time. What's going on — and is it normal?
7 tips to prevent tantrums before they happen
Learn what triggers your child's tantrums — and how to avoid them altogether. Yes, really.
How to stop a tantrum
Learn the best ways to diffuse your child's tantrums (even when your child is wailing, face-down, on the floor).
Is it normal for your pre»ÆÉ«apper to hurt animals?
When a young child hurts animals, the big question is: was it accidental or intentional?
Is your pre»ÆÉ«apper's biting and hitting normal?
Here's what's going on when your pre»ÆÉ«apper bites and hits — and how to make it stop.
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