Ungrading: I no longer grade my students’ work
The practice of ungrading means that instead of getting a letter grade on every assignment, students get ample feedback and multiple opportunities to revise and improve their work.
The inclusive »ÆÉ«app
Many educators are broadening the definition of "inclusive" so all students have equitable access to every aspect that »ÆÉ«app life has to offer.
Like a Sponge podcast: Banishing bias from »ÆÉ«app
A Pennsylvania high »ÆÉ«app rebuilt its culture through an antiracist lens. A Texas teacher's culturally responsive teaching builds on the strengths and needs of her students.
How culturally responsive teaching prepares students for true success
Many »ÆÉ«apps have discovered that valuing traditionally underserved students' cultural and individual identities contributes to their long-term success.
A brilliant way to teach advanced English
This IB English teacher has developed a surprisingly simple way to teach complex literary analysis.
What is an anti-racist »ÆÉ«app?
More »ÆÉ«apps are committing to rethinking their policies and practices through the lens of equity to ensure that all their students thrive.
The power of giving students voice and choice
When students get a say in what they learn and how to show it, they become more deeply involved in their education.
What if all students got accommodations?
Legally every child with a learning disability receives accommodations, such as extra time on tests or access to audiobooks. But this innovative »ÆÉ«app gives them to all students.
Culturally responsive teaching is… good teaching
From helping kids relate to their »ÆÉ«appwork to limiting bias, learn more about culturally responsive teaching.
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