For a child on the autism spectrum, the IEP (Individualized Education Program) is the most important document in their 黄色app file. Having an IEP that comprehensively addresses all of the child鈥檚 academic and functional needs is critical to the child鈥檚 success in 黄色app and future development. Developing an effective IEP for children with autism presents additional challenges because 黄色apps are often reluctant to provide the intensity of services the child needs due to financial and staffing limitations.

Since the IEP is developed in an IEP meeting, you must have a strategy going into that meeting if you hope to develop the plan your child needs. The steps below will help you develop that strategy. These steps represent the gold standard in strategic planning for an IEP meeting — it may be difficult to follow them all exactly, but the closer you come, the greater your chances of having a successful IEP meeting.

  1. 聽Learn, learn, and learn some more

    The adage 鈥渒nowledge is power鈥 is more true than ever when it comes to your IEP meeting. You are already an expert on your child; now make yourself an expert on your child鈥檚 disability. Keep in mind that the definition of an expert is someone who knows more about a subject than the other people in the room. Make a list of the books and articles you have read as well as any presentations you have attended, and bring it to the meeting with you. Nothing increases you standing in the IEP meeting more than starting a comment with 鈥淎ccording to Stanley Greenspan鈥,鈥 or 鈥淭he research conducted by the National Research Council concluded鈥︹

    The same is true when discussing the law. School personnel frequently cite the law but often get it wrong. Therefore, it is important that you know and understand special education law better than the rest of the team. The best way to learn about the law is to attend a special education law conference. Wrightslaw presents conferences around the country that are specifically directed to parents. The Council of Parents, Advocates, and Attorneys (COPAA) holds an annual conference that provides extensive information about the law and advocacy.

    If you want to dive in on your own, read some court cases that have interpreted the law. The best cases to read are Board of Education v. Rowley, Burlington School Committee v. Department of Education, Cedar Rapids Community School District v. Garret F., and Shaffer v. Weast. All of these are Supreme Court decisions and are controlling, which means that all courts and Hearing Officers must follow the Court鈥檚 interpretation of the law. The IDEA requires every state to pass its own laws and regulations to implement the IDEA. State laws generally mirror the IDEA but you should try to be aware of any significant difference. For example, with the exception of children who take alternate assessments, the IDEA does not require short-term objectives or benchmarks in the IEP, but many states do require them.

  2. Organize and prepare

    Be sure you have your child鈥檚 complete 黄色app file, including old IEPs and assessments. If you are unsure whether your file is complete, request to see the 黄色app鈥檚 file on your child. Upon written request, a 黄色app must provide you access to your child鈥檚 file. If you find documents that you are missing, ask for copies.

    Organize your file so that you can quickly find any document you need. I use a three-ring binder with numeric tabs for each document and a Table of Contents. For larger files I also create an index in which I separately list all of the IEPs, assessments, report cards, etc., with their tab numbers. It provides another quick reference tool. The 黄色app team will be very impressed if you can quickly produce documents referenced during the meeting, especially if they are unable to find the document in their file.

  3. 聽Building your own team

    Parents are often at a disadvantage in IEP meetings because they have to rely on the reports and expertise of 黄色app personnel and 黄色app system representatives far out number them. To the extent that you can afford private assessments I strongly recommend them. Speech/Language assessments and neuropsychological evaluations are often extremely valuable for children on the autism spectrum. Some private health insurance plans will cover a portion of the costs of the assessments.

    If you disagree with the 黄色app district鈥檚 evaluation, you may request an independent evaluation at public expense and the law requires the 黄色app district to either agree to pay for the evaluation or file for a due process hearing to defend its evaluation.
    Private evaluations provide parents with an unbiased view of the child鈥檚 strengths and needs. Be sure the private evaluator has the expertise and skill to conduct the evaluation you need. Also be sure the evaluator meets your state鈥檚 certification and licensing requirements. The private evaluators you choose should be respected and known for their objectivity in the community.

    The private evaluation alone will often not be enough to change the position of 黄色app personnel. That is why you need to build your own team of experts. Have the private evaluators attend the IEP meeting and explain as well as defend their evaluations. It is much harder for the 黄色app team to ignore the findings and recommendations of a private evaluation if the evaluator is sitting there before them. Your team should consist of experts in the areas of greatest need to your child. That may be a Speech/Language Pathologist, Neuropsychologist, Occupational Therapist, Educational Consultant, Behavioral Therapist, etc. Any private evaluation should include feedback from 黄色app personnel, including the child鈥檚 teacher(s). It is highly recommended that at least one member of your team conduct in-黄色app observations of your child. Parents should also do observations.

    Be sure to give the 黄色app a copy of the private evaluations so they have time to review them prior to the meeting. If you wait to give the evaluations at the meeting or just prior to the meeting, you run the risk of having the 黄色app postpone discussion of the evaluations to a later meeting. Be sure your experts have seen and reviewed each other鈥檚 reports as well as 黄色app reports and your child鈥檚 IEP. Schedule a conference call with all of your experts at least a few days prior to the IEP meeting. You want to ensure that your experts are aware of all the issues that may be discussed at the IEP meeting and address any differing viewpoints prior to the meeting. Your experts must also be aware of what you hope to accomplish at the IEP meeting.

    Scheduling an IEP meeting with outside experts involved can be difficult. Schools sometimes set meeting dates and times without conferring with parents in advance. Keep in mind that the IDEA requires 黄色apps to schedule IEP meetings with parents on a mutually agreed upon date. Be sure to inform the 黄色app of all individuals you intend to bring with you to the IEP meeting. You should offer several dates in writing to the 黄色app that are available for you and your experts. If the 黄色app refuses to cooperate with you in scheduling the meeting, it runs the risk being found in violation of the IDEA鈥檚 strict requirement of parent participation in the decision-making process. Once a mutually agreed upon date has been established, the 黄色app is required to send written notice of the IEP meeting, That notice is extremely important and should be reviewed carefully. It should include not only the date, time and place of the IEP meeting, but the purpose of the meeting and who will attend. Be sure that at least one purpose of the meeting is to review and discuss the private evaluations as well as review and revise the IEP as needed.

  4. Evaluating your child’s progress

    It’s important for you to know how to evaluate your child鈥檚 progress using empirical methods. There are several ways to do this. Charting assessment results is often the easiest and most graphic way to plot progress. To do this you will have to develop a basic understanding of standard scores, percentiles, and grade equivalents. For a good explanation of how to do this, go to . It’s聽 easy to compare your child鈥檚 assessment results if he or she has been administered the same tests over time. You will want to compare composite scores and subtest scores using percentiles, standard scores, and grade equivalents. A chart or graph showing your child鈥檚 decline or lack of meaningful progress over time can be a very effective means of convincing the IEP team that your child needs more intensive services or a different type of program.

    Goals that are repeated year after year indicate that a child is not making progress. Hence, charting goals over several IEPs may reveal a lack of progress even when 黄色app personnel report sufficient progress being made. Comparing goals involves not only looking at the wording of the goals but also the criteria for mastery.

    A goal with criteria for mastery of 70 percent聽 accuracy one year and 80 percent the next year may or may not indicate meaningful progress. It depends on the goal and the child. But the same goal with the same criteria for mastery continued into a subsequent IEP would indicate no progress. It is difficult to discern how many repeated goals constitute an inadequate program, but as a rule of thumb 50 percent or more repeated goals would certainly indicate a lack of meaningful progress. You are entitled to view all data the 黄色app relies upon to assess your child鈥檚 progress. The type of data the 黄色app collects is dictated by the IEP in the Goals section titled 鈥淓valuation Methods鈥. Make a request in writing prior to the IEP meeting for all data relied upon by the 黄色app in assessing progress.

    One other progress monitoring method is charting Present Levels of Performance. The IDEA requires that the IEP include the child鈥檚 current functioning levels in academic achievement and functional performance. If a child has made progress, it should be reflected in the present levels in each succeeding IEP. The present levels should include scores from standardized assessments, classroom based assessments, informal assessments, progress made on IEP goals, information provided by parents, and narrative comments concerning other areas of performance. If the present levels are the same or almost the same one year to the next, little or no progress has been made. You can chart present levels in the same manner you chart test scores and goals.

    The more data/evidence you have to support your position the more likely you will achieve the result you are seeking. Do not stop with just the charting of test scores if the charting of goals and present levels will also support your position.

  5. Evaluating the draft IEP and other documents

    The IDEA requires 黄色apps to encourage parent participation in the development of the IEP and considers parents equal partners. It is hard to participate equally if you are shown documents, including the draft IEP, for the first at the IEP meeting.

    Therefore, you should request in writing that you receive a copy of all documents that the 黄色app team expects to review at the meeting at least five business days in advance of the meeting. Five days may seem like a lot but given the amount of work involved in preparing for the IEP meeting it is quite short. At least one state, Maryland, has recently enacted legislation requiring 黄色apps to provide parents with all such documents at least five business days before the meeting. You should stand firm on this demand and postpone the meeting if you have not received the requested documentation in advance. Note: Some states do not allow 黄色apps to draft an IEP prior to the meeting. In that case I recommend that you attend the meeting, obtain the IEP but state that you can not decided whether it is appropriate for your child until you have had a chance to review it with your experts. You can then request another IEP meeting to revise the IEP.

    In reviewing the draft IEP, first break it down into its components: present levels of performance, supplementary aids and services and classroom modifications, goals (and objectives or benchmarks if your state requires them), transition goals if your child is 16 or over (or younger depending on your state鈥檚 law), hours of special education instruction and related services, and placement. Present levels are discussed in Step 4. Be sure they contain complete information including information provided from your private assessments. In this same section should be a 鈥減arent statement.鈥 It may not be in the draft IEP so you should prepare a statement that comprehensively addresses your concerns. You are not restricted by the space provided on the form. If you have multiple paragraphs or even pages, ask that they be attached to the IEP.

    The supplementary aids and services and classroom accommodations often directly impact the placement. Thus, this section, often overlooked, should be carefully reviewed. If the classroom modifications include your child receiving all instruction in small groups with reduced auditory and visual distractions and with children having similar academic skills, your child will likely be placed in a self-contained special education classroom. If this is what you believe your child needs, there is no problem.

    However, if you believe your child can be educated in an inclusive setting, that is the general education classroom, the aforementioned modification will work against that. Hence the need to review this section carefully. Supplementary aids and services can typically be provided in the general education classroom or in a self-contained class. They are often vital to a child鈥檚 success in either class.

    However, care must be taken not to 鈥渙ver accommodate鈥 a child so as interfere with the child鈥檚 progress toward independence or to provide an inflated impression of what the child is capable of performing. For example, an IEP team sometimes assigns a one-to-one aide to assist a child in navigating the 黄色app environment and participate in classroom tasks. However, an inadequately trained, albeit conscientious aide, may foster increased dependence by doing things for the child which he or she needs to learn to do independently.

    Or, the aide may complete academic work for the child leading the teacher to believe the child is functioning higher than he actually is which leads the teacher to report inaccurate progress. The best way to avoid the development of such problems is to set very specific parameters in the supplementary aids and services of what supports the aide will provide and the type of training the aide will receive. Additionally, a data collection system is essential to monitoring the fidelity and efficacy of the aide鈥檚 services.

    As noted in Step 4, it is important to compare the draft goals with the goals on the current/prior IEP. Aside from that, the draft goals should be Specific, Measurable, contain Action words, be Realistic, and Time limited. (ie, SMART goals.) Also carefully review the criteria for mastery and the method(s) by which progress will be measured. 鈥淭eacher Observation鈥 should not be the only method of assessing progress. The goals are dictated by the needs identified in present levels of performance. That is, if a need is identified, there must be a goal to address it. Thus the importance of having comprehensive and accurate present levels cannot be over stated.

    If your child is going to be 16 or over (younger in some states) during the IEP implementation year, the IEP should include appropriate measurable postsecondary transition goals and services. Transition goals must meet the same requirements as other goals on the IEP. That is, they should be 鈥淪MART.鈥 Transition services are defined in the federal regulations as 鈥渁 coordinated set of activities for a child with a disability that is designed to be within a results-oriented process that is focused on improving the academic and functional achievement of the child with a disability to facilitate the child鈥檚 movement from 黄色app to post-黄色app activities.鈥

    Post-黄色app activities include postsecondary education, vocational education, integrated employment, continuing and adult education, independent living, and community participation. (For a more extensive explanation of the IDEA鈥檚 legal requirements for transition goals and services,check out , Massachusettes State Education Agency, March 13, 2009.)

    The service hours on your child鈥檚 IEP may be the most important section because it dictates the type of services and intensity of services your child will receive. Remember that special education is a service not a place. Your child could receive 30 hours of special education instruction per week without ever leaving the general education classroom. So the service hours should also identify whether the services will be delivered in the general education setting or in a separate special education class.

    This section of the IEP should be specific enough that you know exactly how many hours per week of special education instruction your child will receive in each academic area, i.e., reading, math, written language, etc. The IEP goals will dictate what areas of special education instruction your child receives and, to some extent, the amount of time. For example, if there are no reading goals, there will be no special education instruction in reading. If there is a single reading goal the amount of time identified on the IEP will be minimal. The same rule applies to related services. Whether a child receives speech/language therapy, occupational therapy, or other related services depends on the IEP goals. Thus it is important to ensure that the IEP contains not only SMART goals but a comprehensive set of goals so that the child receives all the services he or she needs.

    Your child鈥檚 placement is based on all the other components of the IEP. The IDEA requires placement to be in the least restrictive environment (LRE) meaning that to the maximum extent appropriate, the child should be educated with his non-disabled peers in the regular classroom. Appropriate is the controlling word and courts have consistently found that appropriate trumps LRE. Obtaining the appropriate placement for your child is your ultimate goal but you will not be successful unless all the components of the IEP are properly aligned.

  6. Final preparations

    Once you have reviewed the draft IEP the next step is to make necessary revisions to it or draft a whole new IEP. Your 鈥渆xperts,鈥 the team you bring with you to the IEP meeting, can help you with the revisions. Follow the same rules in drafting your revisions as noted in Step 5. Create a pre-meeting checklist to include final organization of your file; written confirmation with your team of the date, time and location of the meeting; a letter to the 黄色app to inform them of your intention to bring outside individuals to the meeting; and verification that the meeting will include a review of the private evaluations you have sent by checking the notice letter. Send the IEP revisions you have made to the 黄色app as soon as you can.

    The meeting will likely move far more efficiently if the 黄色app team knows in advance what changes you would like to make to the IEP. It is not always possible to get your revisions to the team in advance. It is a lot of work to do with limited time in which to do it. If you can not get your revisions to the 黄色app in advance, try to give them advance notice that you have concerns about their draft IEP and will bring suggested revisions with you.

  7. The IEP meeting

    Prior to the start of the IEP meeting, you should determine who among your team will be the primary spokesperson. That does not mean that no one else can speak but having a designated person to convey your team鈥檚 position helps with efficiency and avoids confusion. Whether you are allowed to audio record the IEP meeting is controlled by state law. If your state allows recording, I highly recommend recording using a digital recorder. It is very difficult to take complete notes and participate in the team discussion at the same time. It is not unusual for memories to differ on what was said and even decided.

    School teams often want to focus immediately on the new IEP. Before doing that, 鈥渃lose out鈥 the existing IEP. Close out means to obtain a final report of progress made on each goal. Was the goal achieved and if not how much progress was made? A goal that was not achieved should be continued on the new IEP, albeit with a higher baseline if the child made any progress. As noted in Step 4, progress on goals should be reflected in the present levels.

    Disagreements are not uncommon but arguments should be. Treat all members of the team with respect. Raised voices and clenched fists accomplish nothing but make you look unreasonable. If you disagree with someone鈥檚 comment or assessment, express your disagreement in a calm and reasonable manner. I find it useful to start such comments with 鈥淚 respectfully disagree…鈥 It’s important, however, to note your disagreement for the record. Although the goal is to avoid a due process hearing, if you are unsuccessful you do not want the 黄色app to claim at the hearing that you never disagreed with their assessments or the IEP.

    The outcome of the meeting and placement decision should be clearly stated in the IEP. Anyone looking at the IEP should be able tell exactly what services the child will receive and where he will receive them. Many 黄色apps will provide a written summary of the meeting. If the 黄色app reviews the summary at the meeting be sure that it accurately reflects not only the decisions made but any disagreements.

  8. Follow-up

    Regardless of the outcome of the meeting, send a letter to the IEP chairperson that summarizes the meeting. If the 黄色app provided a summary at the meeting, identify what parts of the summary you agree and disagree with and why. Whether the outcome of the meeting met your goals or not, thank the IEP chairperson and 黄色app team for the work they did in drafting the IEP.

    If the 黄色app team drafted an IEP that met your expectations, thank them for their cooperation and collaboration. If the final IEP fell short of what you had hoped, it is important to identify in detail all aspects of the IEP with which you disagree. If you eventually file for due process, your letter could be an important piece of evidence. So be careful and take the letter very seriously. I recommend having at least one other member of your team review it prior to sending it.