Adding 2-digit numbers
Skill: Addition drills

Add it up!
In this math worksheet, your child will practice adding 2-digit numbers.
Adding 2-digit numbers — part 2
Skill: Addition to 100

Numbers, numbers, numbers
In this math worksheet, your child gets more practice adding 2-digit numbers.
Part 3
Skill: Adding 2-digit numbers

Add by tens
In this math worksheet, your child gets even more practice adding 2-digit numbers — this time with lots of zeros.
Part 4
Skill: Addition drills

On the plus side …
In this math worksheet, your child can continue to practice adding 2-digit numbers. The more they do it, the more comfortable and confident they’ll be!
Add some change
Skill: Money math

Remember to regroup!
This math worksheet gives your child practice adding two or three 1-digit and 2-digit numbers. There’s a little change in this one!