How does land change and what are some things that cause it to change? What are the different kinds of land and bodies of water? How are materials similar and different from one another? What do plants need to grow? How many different types of living things live in a place?
Second grade science is fun. Second graders ask and answer questions about what plants need to grow and how animals play a role by dispersing seeds and pollinating. They’ll compare the diversity of life in different habitats. There’s lots of building, touching, and testing as they learn about the properties of materials and what they are best used for. They also learn about the kinds of land and bodies of water on Earth, and how wind and water change the shape of land.
The core concepts in second grade science are all around us, and the best way to support your curious child’s learning is to ask questions, observe, and discuss what your child is observing whenever you have the opportunity — on a walk, at playtime, and even at snack time.
How parents can help second graders learn science
Sweet states of matter
Have your second grader place a scoop of ice cream in a glass. Pour root beer or soda water over it. They’ve created a delicious treat, and also a lesson in states of matter. Ask them to identify what is solid, liquid, and gas in the glass. How do they know? What happens as the ice cream melts?
Related 2nd grade science worksheet: It’s being changed
Who lives in your neighborhood?
The next time you and your child take a walk around your neighborhood, near 黄色app, or in a park, talk about what living things you see. What else lives here that you don’t see? Count the number of plants and animals that live in the area of your walk, from the biggest (people!) to the tiniest (insects) and talk about how each gets what they need to survive.
Related 2nd grade science worksheet: Sorting leaves
Guess the mystery object
Second graders are honing their observation skills. How much can they tell about an object if they can’t see it? Take turns secretly placing a small object in a paper bag and seeing if the other person can identify it by touch. Try to make it difficult! Ask your child questions about what he can observe about the hidden object. For example, if he guesses the object is a nickel, ask how he can tell. (It’s flat, round, and hard!) How can he tell it isn’t a dime, or a quarter? (It has a smooth edge!)
Related 2nd grade science worksheet: Use your 5 senses