Compound words
Skill: Decoding words

The postman and the milkman are roommates who like to play football and eat pancakes.
Some words are made up of two other words. In this language arts worksheet, your child gets practice putting together compound words such as football, playground, and lamppost.
Skill: Writing complex sentences

A junction of conjunctions
Conjunctions are words that join sentences, such as if, because, and since. In this writing worksheet, your child gets practice combining two sentences into one using different conjunctions.
Skill: English grammar

An apostrophe is not a catastrophe!
Cut out a step, take a shortcut, use contractions; in this case it’s okay. In this language arts worksheet, your child gets practice identifying and writing contractions, as well as identifying contractions and writing out their original two-word terms.
Using a dictionary
Skill: Research basics

Look it up!
A dictionary tells you a word’s meaning, spelling, where it came from, and how it’s used. In this language arts worksheet, your child will use a dictionary to find the meanings, origins, and uses of five words.
Word origins
Skill: Finding information

During the tsunami, the judo teacher spilled ketchup on his khakis in his kayak.
When words come from other languages, they often have unfamiliar letter combinations. In this language arts worksheet, your child will practice using a dictionary to find the origins of 20 words.