Let’s face it, 4th grade reading comprehension means a whole new level of complexity. Although many 3rd graders are still learning to read, 4th graders are expected to read to learn. Not only are chapter books the new norm, but children are expected to tackle more complex texts with difficult ideas and literary tools like figurative language and inference. Try these worksheets to see if your child is ready for 4th grade reading comprehension and challenging English language arts lessons this year.
Hard Times
Skill: Understanding figurative language

Charles Dickens uses more detail than many modern writers do. Why do you suppose this is?
In this reading worksheet, your child will read a passage from Hard Times and answer questions about Dickens’ use of language.
David Copperfield
Skill: Understanding point of view

“All this work was my work, and of the boys employed upon it I was one.”
In this 4th grade reading worksheet, your child will read a description of young David’s life and answer questions about the story, use of language, point of view, and the character’s feelings.
Letter of complaint
Skill: Evaluating an argument

What does this writer want?
In this language arts worksheet, your child will read a letter to a city council and then answers questions about the writer’s language, reasoning, and intent.
The Mango Tree
Skill: Interpreting and inferring

The Day for Brothers — when “all sisters in India pray that no harm comes to their brothers.”
In this language arts worksheet, your child will read three parts of a traditional story from India and answer questions about the characters’ feelings using after each part.
Thunder and lightning
Skill: Finding synonyms

Thunderclouds are huge and awesomely powerful.
In this language arts worksheet, your child will read an informational passage and answer questions about what happened, as well as practice replacing some descriptive words. This is a .