It’s the opposite
Skill: Antonyms

What’s the opposite of dark?
Your child gets practice identifying opposite words — called antonyms — in this reading worksheet.
Checking grammar
Skill: Capitalization

They am running fast. Is that right or wrong?
This reading worksheet makes practicing grammar fun by letting kids play teacher as they grade whether or not the sentences’ subjects and verbs agree and if the punctuation is correct.
Table of contents and index
Skill: Finding information

With the renewed focus on nonfiction and early research, this one’s a must!
In this reading worksheet, your child gets practice learning how to use a table of contents and an index to find what they’re looking for in informational texts.
Humorous verses
Skill: Rhymes and poetry

Funny poetry!
In this reading worksheet, your child gets practice reading amusing poems aloud. Then, mimicking the rhythm and rhyme, your child will write an original last line to the end of Humpty Dumpty’s familiar tale.
Peter Rabbit: A classic story
Skill: Comprehension

Listen… and then tell it again!
This reading worksheet gives your child crucial reading comprehension practice. First, you read the story aloud together. Next, your child re-tells the story in his own words. Then, together you’ll discuss inferences from the story about how the characters felt and why.