Count the animal’s legs!
Skill: Counting

How many legs does a fish have?
In this math worksheet, your child will count each animal’s legs and circle the animal with the same number of legs as the number in the box.
Find the identical geometric shape!
Skill: Identifying pairs

Identical twins
In this math worksheet, your child will identify and match the geometric shape in the left column to its identical twin in the right column.
Count and connect the numbers
Skill: Counting to 20

Match the numeral to the picture
In this math worksheet, your child will count the items in each set, then either draw a line connecting each set to the correct number or write the number in the answer box.
Which group has the most and the least?
Skill: Number sense

Highs and lows, smallest and largest
In this math worksheet, your child will count and circle the sets with the most and least items.
Continue the pattern
Skill: Drawing geometric shapes

Recognize patterns. Repeat.
In this math worksheet, your child will identify and complete a series of picture and number patterns by drawing the pictures and writing the numbers.