In this activity your child, with your help, interviews adults about what it was like when they were in first grade. Your child will love making a book about the memories. What a wonderful keepsake it will be!

What you’ll need:

  • Digital photos of the people interviewed (optional)
  • Computer
  • Printer
  • Word-processing program such as Microsoft Word
  • Paper
  • Digital camera (optional)
  • Paper for the pages
  • Three-ring binder
  • Hole punch
  • Three key rings

Here’s how to do it:

Have your child, with your help, interview grandparents or other adults about what it was like when they were in first grade.

Your child may want to ask questions like: What year were you in first grade? Where did you go to »ÆÉ«app? What is your favorite memory? During the track of the memories. Make sure to interview your child about her experience in first grade.

If you’re taking digital photos, demonstrate how your child should safely hold a camera. Show her how to look through the viewfinder or LCD panel. Demonstrate which button to push to take the picture.

Using a word-processing program, have your child type or dictate to you the information from the interviews. Create a new page for each person interviewed. Don’t forget to add a page for your child about her first-grade experience. If using digital photos, download the photos to the computer and have your child observe you adding each photo to the proper page. If needed, consult your software program’s Help menu for directions on inserting photos. Print the pages. Bind the book using a three-ring binder.