What time is it?
Skill: Telling time to the nearest half hour

Time keeps on ticking …
In this math worksheet, your child will practice telling and writing time to the hour and half past the hour on analog clocks.
Fact families
Skill: Adding to 20

3-number relationships
In this math worksheet, your child will practice addition and subtraction fact families up to the number 20.
Fractions: 1/2 and 1/4
Skill: Beginning fractions

Split it down the middle … twice
In this coloring math worksheet, your child will learn fractional parts of halves and fourths by coloring in familiar geometric shapes.
Counting coins
Skill: Money math

In this money math worksheet, your child will count and add up quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies. Then your child will compare and list the coin values from largest to smallest.
Value of 10
Skill: Adding 10 and subtracting 10

Magic of 10
In this math worksheet, your child will practice adding 10 or subtracting 10 from a number. The worksheet asks your child to draw a line connecting each number on the rocketship with the number that’s 10 more or 10 less than the original number.