Understanding place value of 3-digit numbers
Skill: Reading number words

Numbers that know their place
In this math worksheet, your child will practice writing 3-digit numbers in expanded form, showing the 100s, 10s, and 1s place. Your child will also practice reading number words.
Money math word problem
Skill: Solving word problems

Breaking a dollar
In this money math worksheet, your child will practice money math subtraction by calculating how much change you get back after purchasing an item.
Reading data on bar graphs
Skill: Working with data

Two numbers walked into a bar graph
In this math worksheet, your child will read bar graphs and then answer questions by interpreting the data.
Repeated addition
Skill: Introduction to multiplication

Add and add and add and add
In this math worksheet, your child will calculate simple multiplication by doing repeated addition with picture representations.
Simple probability
Skill: Interpreting images

So likely to become a statistic
In this math worksheet, your child will answer probability questions (most likely, likely, or least likely) after reading data from a pie chart, table, and illustration.