Skill: English grammar

Shrinking words
In this writing worksheet, your child gets practice understanding and writing contractions, such as don’t for do not.
Prefixes un- and dis-
Skill: Building vocabulary

Creating opposites
In this writing worksheet, your child learns when to add un- versus dis- to root words to create new words with the opposite meanings.
Skill: Elements of poetry

Words as art and poetry
In this writing worksheet, children learn about shape poems, called calligrams, by reading two and then writing one of their own.
Addressing and writing postcards
Skill: Writing addresses

Dear you: Wish you were here. Love, Me
In this writing worksheet, your child will practice addressing two postcards and writing and drawing information about themselves.
How to write a story
Skill: Order of events

The great American novel starts here.
In this writing worksheet, children learn the mechanics of a story by reading, drawing a diagram, answering questions — and then writing their own story!