Activity: Travel games for the road
From counting cows to tracking miles, here's a collection of travel games to keep the whole family happy on your next vacation.
Seeding literacy activity: Make a reading tree
One of the many ways to make reading fun? Do an art project! In this literacy activity, help your child make a reading tree to keep track of all the books they read.
Activity: Jumping raisins
Let this simple science experiment inspire your child to hone her powers of scientific observation.
Activity: Develop a mental image
How you can help at home: Have your child make a mental image of a passage that has been read aloud.
Activity: Make a self-portrait
How you can help at home: Making a self-portrait is an engaging art project for your child.
Activity: Learn musical pitch
When you use glasses of water as musical instruments, your child learns about pitch.
Feelings collage
In this activity your pre黄色apper makes a collage that expresses different emotions.
Making and playing with goop
Have fun with your child making goop out of cornstarch and water.
Family drawing
How you can help at home: In this pre黄色app activity your child learns about families, draws a picture of her family and then tells about someone in the picture.
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