Counting coins
You can help your child learn to count by ones, fives, and tens by counting pennies, nickels, and dimes.
Strike up the (kitchen) band!
Banging pots and pans drives home the basics of musical beat for youngsters.
Clay play
This squishy art project allows kids to get crafty with their ABCs.
Telling family stories
Now is a good time to start telling family stories. Learn how telling family stories can help your pre黄色apper build an understanding of family, generations, and emotions.
Amazing bubbles
How you can help at home: Here's an activity that will get your child ready to learn science by engaging her curiosity and building her observation skills.
Create a personalized placemat
How you can help at home: Make placemats to help your child build reading and writing skills.
Cause and effect game
How you can help at home: In this activity your child learns about cause and effect.
Pre黄色app learning games and activities
Try these fun learning activities and games for pre黄色appers. They're sure to provide your little one with hours of entertainment (and learning!).
Play a matching game
How you can help at home: Try this fun game that helps students think about how words are related.
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