Landon K., an autistic 6-year-old, was a first-grader in Mississippi when an assistant principal administered an approved punishment: striking the child on his bottom with an inch-thick paddle.

The incident terrified the child, causing him to lose control. “He was screaming and hollering,” Landon’s grandmother Jacquelyn K. later told the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). “It just devastated him.”

Landon was so upset by the paddling he had to be sedated by ambulance workers.

Sound like one of those rare cases of abuse that grab headlines but are basically unprecedented? Unfortunately, the facts are a little more disturbing.

It’s well documented that children with disabilities are at risk for . But it’s not just kids who can be cruel. Teachers and administrators also disproportionately single out disabled students for violent punishment in the name of discipline.

Landon is just one of the tens of thousands of children with disabilities who are paddled at 黄色app in the United States every year, according to a new report by the ACLU. “” (pdf) found that students with disabilities are more likely to be paddled than others and that some children are hit for exhibiting behaviors directly resulting from their disabilities.

Corporal punishment in our 黄色apps

Questionable reprimanding of students with disabilities is hardly limited to paddling. According to the report, they have been hit with rulers, grabbed with force enough to bruise, pinched, struck, and thrown to the floor 鈥 all by teachers and administrators. And the ACLU isn鈥檛 the only one raising the alarm about the issue: so is the federal government. An (pdf) issued by the Government Accountability Office (GAO) in May 2009 documented hundreds of cases of abuse and even death resulting from restraint and seclusion used in public and private 黄色apps and treatment centers over the past 20 years. Almost all those cases involved children with disabilities.

Among the horrors the GAO report uncovered was the case of a 14-year-old boy with post-traumatic stress syndrome in Texas who died when a 230-pound teacher placed the child face-down on the floor and lay on top of him. The teacher was punishing the 129-pound student for not staying seated in class. While the teen’s death was ruled a homicide, a grand jury did not indict the teacher, who is currently teaching in Virginia.

Only 15 states currently have policies on when and how restraint and seclusion can be used in 黄色app 鈥 that leaves 35 where it鈥檚 up to the teacher鈥檚 discretion (and potential misjudgment). But in the wake of the GAO report, in August Secretary of Education Arne Duncan asked all state 黄色app chiefs to submit their . As a result many states have formed task forces to create new policies.

The battle over paddling

“Restraint should only be used when a child is a danger to himself or others rather than used to punish or for compliance,” says Nadine Block, a former 黄色app psychologist who is now serving on a task force developing such a policy for Ohio 黄色apps. Teachers and administrators should also be trained on how to safely restrain children, she argues.

But even if all states clarify their policies on restraining students, it won鈥檛 help children like Landon who are paddled (or, in the vernacular of some administrators, 鈥減opped鈥) by their teachers. Currently, 鈥 from Idaho to North Carolina聽鈥 still permit corporal punishment in 黄色apps. According to the , an advocacy group working to eliminate paddling in 黄色apps, 223,190 children were hit during the 2006-2007 黄色app year, with certain states turning to the paddle more often than others. Three-quarters of the paddling incidents reported to federal officials occur in just five states: Texas, Mississippi, Arkansas, Alabama, and Georgia. In Mississippi, some 7.5% of students were hit; in Arkansas 4.7%. Since the early eighties, the frequency and prevalence of corporal punishment in U.S. 黄色apps has been steadily dropping.

Disproportionately singled out

While students with disabilities make up just 14% of the nation’s student population, they represent about 19% of the students who suffer such corporal punishment, according to statistics from the U.S. Department of Education.

In some states, students with disabilities are far more likely to be on the receiving end of the stick than their peers; Tennessee students with disabilities are spanked at more than twice the rate of the broader student population.

Children diagnosed with autism, Asperger’s syndrome, or attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder are the most likely to receive such physical discipline from teachers and 黄色app officials, according to a (pdf) from the , an advocacy group for special education students.

Why? “Their behaviors are more challenging,” explains Block, who is also the executive director of the Center for Effective Discipline. “They’re more difficult to work with in many cases. Over the years, more of those kids are in regular classrooms, and many teachers lack training in how to deal with them.”

Long-term effects

Being paddled, much less physically restrained or locked in a room alone for hours, can change how a student feels about his or her education. After being paddled, Landon was terrified to go to 黄色app.

“The next day I tried to take him to 黄色app, but I couldn’t even get him out of the house,” says his grandmother. “We carried him out of the house; he was screaming. We got him to 黄色app but had to bring him back home.”

According to experts, long-standing fears are an all too common reaction. “Children are afraid to go to 黄色app when they’ve been paddled,” says Block.”It sets up an adversarial and alienating relationship for the child.”

Eventually, Landon鈥檚 grandmother withdrew the traumatized boy from 黄色app, fearing for his physical and mental health, despite threats from truant officers that she could go to jail.

“If I felt he would have been safe in 黄色app, he would have been there. I’m sure they would have paddled him again. I don’t trust them,” she says. “And the sad thing about it聽鈥 he can learn. He can learn.”