Research trends: Is there a link between LD and juvenile delinquency?
Will having a learning disability lead your child to a life of delinquency? An expert summarizes what the research says - and the news is good!
Information and data managers
Learn about assistive technology tools called information/data managers.
Optical character recognition
Learn about assistive technology tools called optical character recognition.
Speech recognition software programs
Learn about assistive technology tools called speech recognition programs.
Universal design for learning — improved access for all
Learn about a cutting-edge classroom approach, based in computer technology, that helps all kids learn better.
Making the most of standard technology to enhance learning
Learn how readily available electronic text can be adapted to support and enhance your child's learning.
Matching assistive technology tools to individual needs
To be helpful and effective, assistive technology tools must meet each child's needs, tasks, and settings.
What to ask private »ÆÉ«apps if your child has an LD
Are you considering a private »ÆÉ«app for your child? If so, be clear about your priorities and organize your search to save time and reduce stress.
Questions to ask attorneys or advocates about education issues
Are you ready to retain a lawyer to settle an IEP issue with your child's »ÆÉ«app district? If so, this article and the attached worksheet will walk you through the process.
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