One key kindergarten math skill

Counting to 100 is more than 1, 2, 3. For kindergartners, it's learning to count by 10s and learning to count on.
YouTube video

Ms. Sintes teaches kindergarten at Rafael Hernandez Elementary School.

It’s really important for kids to learn how to count to 100 in kindergarten, Anita Sintes explains. And it’s not just about getting to 100, it’s about having strategies — like counting by 10s and counting on from, say, 40 — to get to 100.

Video transcript

“So by the end of kindergarten, I think that students should be able to count all the way to 100 and being able to use strategies if they do not know a number. So, for example, if they are stuck on 40, they should be able to then either count by 10s or count by 5s, if they know how to count by 5s, and then continue on from once they go 10, 20, 30, 40. Then move on to 41, 42, 43. So being resourceful, I think, is very important. It is very important to count to 100 because they need to have that skill for first grade. Once they’re in first grade, they need to be able to do simple addition, they need to be able to do double-digit addition, subtraction. So they need to have a firm understanding of how to count from 1 to 100.”

Learn more about your kindergartner’s learning and development this year, including:

About the author

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