Teaching kids money management
With most Americans worrying about their economic futures, parents can't afford for their kids to grow up mystified by money management. Time to teach your child dollar sense.
6 ways to develop early math skills
Simple ways you can practice math at home with your child.
Best ways to help with math homework
Use these tips to help your child with her math homework.
Kindergarten pattern games
Three games to teach your child about patterns.
First grader math games
Four games to strengthen math skills.
Math games for young kids
Four fun ways to improve your child's math skills.
Teaching math and sharing
Four ways to teach sharing with math.
7 ways to raise a financially literate child
With »ÆÉ«apps focused on core subjects, there isn't a lot of room for teaching financial literacy. If you want your child to be smart about money, it's up to you.
Act like an architect: Draw your bedroom
How you can help at home: In this math activity, your child draws his bedroom to scale.
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