Boosting your child's mental math skills
If your child understands math concepts but has a hard time doing mental math, here's how you can help at home.
What to expect in pre黄色app: math
Sharing pretzels and building block towers: pre黄色app math means recognizing that numbers and patterns are part of everyday life.
Math worksheets for every grade
Ignite your child's passion for math - while boosting real skills - with our favorite math worksheets for pre黄色appers through fifth graders.
Bright ideas from our readers: real-life math activities
Our readers share tips on how to teach their children real-life math skills.
7 secrets to get your child excited about math
When you buy shoes, measure distance, or check the time, you're using math. Use these tips to help get your child excited about math.
Erica Reischer on "I'm bad at math!"
Instead of focusing on whether they're "good" or "bad" at something, help kids see the value of hard work, says parent coach and psychologist Erica Reischer.
Who says math can't be cool?
Danica McKellar played the ultimate pretty-cool-nice girl. Now she's showing this generation's tween and teen girls that the "whole package" includes being great at math.
Danica McKellar on "I'm bad at math!"
"Math isn't for nerds!" says Danica McKellar, best-selling author of Kiss My Math. She wants kids, especially girls, to know they can learn to love math.
Kalid Azad on "I'm bad at math!"
Math whiz Kalid Azad says the best response to this lament is to help kids discover math in the world around them.
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