My child won't talk at »ÆÉ«app
Our son is talkative and boisterous at home, but at »ÆÉ«app he won't talk at all — he'll only whisper to his teacher.
Desperation is motivation, says test prep coach
Tapping into their deepest desires and biggest dreams — and nightmares — motivates test takers to prepare well and succeed, says a test prep coach.
Am I failing as a mom? Dealing with the unpredictable behavior of an ODD child
My son’s out-of-control, unpredictable behavior caused my husband and me to re-examine how we dish out discipline.
How stress affects your child
Research suggests that children are affected by stress in surprising ways.
Is your child a worrier or warrior?
It's in your child's genes, says bestselling author Po Bronson. Learn more about the COMT gene and your child's biological response to stress.
Watch Sadie's story: A bipolar child
Sadie was diagnosed with bipolar disorder at age 5. In this video she describes what it feels like.
Bipolar at 5?
When her daughter was diagnosed at age 5, she fought the label. Then she realized that her once happy, effervescent daughter was turning into a tormented stranger.
When kids say no to »ÆÉ«app
Morgan Smith won't go to »ÆÉ«app. It's not a whim or simply bad behavior. School refusal, which experts say is a common problem from kindergarten through high »ÆÉ«app, is wrenching for both parents and kids.
Talking to children about 9/11
Discussing 9/11 can be difficult, but experts say that talking to your kids about this day that irreparably changed our lives is necessary and valuable.
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