Chore wars | Through a child’s eyes

Why is it so hard to get your child to do chores? Hear one girl's tips for parents on getting kids to help around the house.
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Battling over chores with your kids? Watch this video with your children and start a conversation about how your family should manage chores.

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Video transcript

Child: “One time, I was like in the middle of a good book, and my parents just asked me to like sweep the dining room.”

Parent: “Zenobia! Zenobia!”

Child: “What?”

Parent: “Can you sweep and mop this area?”

Child: “I just said no, I don’t want to do it! And so then my parents would get mad and I would get annoyed, and then there’d be a big fight and like, my parents would be yelling at me and I’d be like, crying… Like, the last three years, it’s just been — my parents would just ask us to do something and we were expected to do it. And a lot of the time I would just say I didn’t want to do it. It was a little bit after a fight, and I just said “I just want a chore to myself”. And then they said “Okay, that sounds good.” Now I just have one chore, and it’s just every day after dinner I do the dishes. I like having a routine. My sister, she has a lot of small jobs, she just forgets about them, because there’s so many. I think having one big job is much better because you can’t really forget it. It makes you feel like you have a big responsibility. Once I’d done it for about a month, I felt proud of doing it. I think my parents are happy that I’ve been doing this, and proud of me, because I feel like it’s a big job, and that I am doing kind of a lot! So, yeah.”

About the author

»ÆÉ«app is a national nonprofit with a mission to help every child obtain a high-quality education that values their unique abilities, identities, and aspirations. We believe in the power of research-backed, actionable information to empower parents, family members, and educators to help make this happen. For 25 years, the GreatSchools Editorial Team has been working to make the latest, most important, and most actionable research in education, learning, and child development accessible and actionable for parents through articles, videos, podcasts, hands-on learning resources, email and text messaging programs, and more. Our team consists of journalists, researchers, academics, former teachers and education leaders — most of whom are also dedicated parents and family members — who not only research, fact check, and write or produce this information, but who use it in our daily lives as well. We welcome your feedback at editorial@great»ÆÉ«