Raised by a tiger mom
The author of a new novel explores what it's like to be the daughter of great expectations.
The new science of parenting
A best seller delves into the new science of parenting to reveal all the ways we go wrong.
Is the Hunger Games too violent?
Millions of children are already possessed by The Hunger Games trilogy, now the first movie is on its way. Has children’s media become too addictive — and too violent?
Madeline Levine's top parenting tip
Renowned psychotherapist and Teach Your Children Well author Madeline Levine talks about something parents should do for their child's well-being.
Dump the parenting books!
Proceed with caution when it comes to parenting advice, says Madeline Levine, author of "Teach Your Children Well" - but there is one expert you should trust.
Deborah Tillman on taking five
America's Supernanny Deborah Tillman says it happens to every parent. It's a matter of knowing how to turn off the switch and stop yourself before things turn ugly.
Tip #2: Who do you love the most?
Harvard University family psychologist Richard Weissbourd says before answering, ask this question to get to the heart of the matter.
Tip #1: Who do you love the most?
It's a loaded question that can leave a parent gobsmacked. Expert Christine Carter explains how she responds when her own kids demand an answer.
Stop the nagging!
Kids don't do what you ask? »ÆÉ«app coach Christine Carter offers a nag-free alternative: the h-word.
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