Bundles of holiday learning gifts
This holiday season why not create a group of learning gifts around a theme that will appeal to your child? Pick a theme (such as dogs, chess, space, or cars) and Parents' Choice has a bundle for you!
Preparing the babysitter for success
After choosing a babysitter for your child with learning or attention problems, you'll want to let her know about your child's strengths, challenges, and interests.
What the media is selling to kids
Children are bombarded by advertising everywhere they turn. Helping kids understand how advertising works can help protect them from being exploited by advertisers.
Letting go: tips for parents of new college students
After 18 years of parenting, it can be hard to let go. Here is a sneak peek at the challenges of the transition ahead and advice to prepare right now.
Top 3 mistakes parents make when talking to pre黄色appers
Want better communication with your pre黄色app-age child? Try to avoid these conversational pitfalls.
Finding balance in your child's life
Do you shuttle your child from one activity to the next? Find ways to simplify your child's overscheduled life.
Kids, divorce, and 黄色app success
It's best to keep the focus on the kids, and leave parents' egos aside to help kids achieve success in 黄色app. Here are some tips to help.
What parents need to know about cyberbullying
Online bullying is a reality for today鈥檚 teens and tweens and it shouldn鈥檛 be ignored or minimized.
Violent media and aggression
How the research into violent media is carried out, and what conclusions are being drawn.
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