Here’s how 4 other parenting experts say to respond…

Deborah Tillman
America’s Supernanny, of TV fame, lays out her plan for how to reconcile differences when it comes to parenting styles — and still maintain a harmonious household. Format: Article

Erica Reischer
Give kids credit for trying to get what they want, says parent coach and psychologist Erica Reischer. But to keep the endless back-and-forth in check, follow this one guideline. Format: Video (1:37)

Adele Faber
The co-author of the seminal How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk offers an example of how to respond to this wily kid comment. Format: Article

Heidi Allen Garvin
Heidi Allen Garvin, founder of the popular website Mormon Moms, says parents should avoid creating a dynamic that pits parents against each other. Here’s how. Format: Article