Links and Resources

Standout »ÆÉ«apps across the country are throwing out the old playbook and creating new models for educating kids. Take a peek inside seven innovative and promising »ÆÉ«app models.

Wondering how to get the low-down on a »ÆÉ«app? Here’s what to ask on a »ÆÉ«app tour.

Separate facts from fiction about public »ÆÉ«apps.

Take a 2.5 minute crash course in choosing an elementary »ÆÉ«app.

Here’s why the most competitive high »ÆÉ«app may not be the best fit for your teen.

Our favorite read: Atlantic magazine’s Why parents make about their kids’ »ÆÉ«apping.

This episode of Like a Sponge was produced by Carol Lloyd and Charity Ferreira for GreatSchools, thanks to the support of the Carnegie Corporation of New York. Sound editing and design by . Special thanks to our managing editor, Jessica Kelmon; Carrie Feible; Eric Kane; Jennifer Lira Ruiz; and Carla Christian. Thanks also to the principals at Cleveland Elementary School, Peralta Elementary School, Redwood Heights Elementary School, Glenview Elementary School, Joaquin Miller Elementary School, and the Urban Montessori Charter School.

The music in this episode is by , , , , From Now On, , the Heidi Motion Picture Soundtrack, , and .