What’s better than a great book? A series of them, of course. These books will get kids excited to read what comes next.

Best book series for pre»ÆÉ«appers
A great series can turn a reluctant reader into a lifelong book lover. Here are our top picks to get your pre»ÆÉ«apper hooked on books.

Best book series for kindergartners
A great series can transform a lukewarm reader into a little bookworm. Here are our top picks to rev up reading for your kindergartner.

Best book series for 1st graders
A great series can turn your child into a serious book lover. Here are our top picks to transform your first grader into a voracious reader.

Best book series for 2nd graders
When you introduce your child to a great book series, you just might turn your child into a page-turning, story-loving book fiend for life.

Best book series for 3rd graders
The power of a great book series can be like magic, transforming a reluctant reader into a true bookworm with the turn of a page.

Best book series for 4th graders
With a book series, your child can follow a character they love into another world, book after book. Here are the series we suggest to get your fourth grader hooked on reading.

Best book series for 5th graders
With a series, the incredible adventure, character, or world doesn’t have to end. That’s why a beloved series can be a powerful way to get your child excited about reading.

Best book series for 6th graders
Can’t get your tween excited about reading for pleasure? Welcome to the gateway books — the series that kids start, get hooked on, and won’t stop reading.

Best book series for 7th graders
Want the secret to getting your middle »ÆÉ«apper to read for fun? These book series feature intriguing characters and worlds your child can follow from one book to the next.

Best book series for 8th graders
Want to get your teen hooked on reading? Welcome to the gateway books. Once kids find the right series, they read to the very last book.