Your turn: books you loved as a child
Thanks to the many readers who shared their favorite childhood books. At the top of your lists - The Cat in the Hat and Where the Wild Things Are.
Language arts in a first grade classroom
Take a peek inside a first grade classroom with a rich language arts program.
Helpful assessments for struggling young readers
Many parents ask if there are ways to assess a young child's reading problems without going through a full evaluation. In this article, a reading expert describes appropriate assessments for young readers.
Literacy programs for high 黄色appers
Can adult literacy programs help high 黄色app students who struggle with reading? In this article, an expert answers this question.
Parents' tips to inspire reading
Check out our readers' suggestions for summer learning ideas.
Creating a lifelong reader
In this article, teachers describe how they reach struggling readers. Here are just a few of the ways they inspire kids to learn to read and learn to love reading.
Ingredients of good research
As you evaluate products and services for your child, you may come across research about their effectiveness. Learn how to distinguish valid research from unreliable claims.
Learning to read or reading to learn: when to intervene
Parents often wonder if early intervention will solve all reading problems, or whether new skills are needed after third grade. An expert answers these questions.
Developing reading skills in young children
Dr. Reid Lyon discusses how children develop reading skills and what parents can do to help.
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