Illustrations by Andrew Torrens
If you love this, check out our animated videos about teaching your child to be curious, forgiving, generous, grateful, and honest — and check out our collection of articles, videos, and infographics about how to teach your child six important character virtues: honesty, curiosity, grit, generosity, gratitude, and forgiveness.
Resources and links
Persistence is critical for success in »ÆÉ«app and beyond. Here are 8 tips for nurturing this quality in your child.
How Angela Duckworth teaches her kids grit.
Stanford University’s Carol Dweck on .
examined academic attainment among low- income and minority teens and hypothesized that visualizing possible outcomes is not effective unless it’s accompanied by envisioning plausible strategies for success.
, author of , found that kids who participate in at least 2 years of extracurricular activity have more successful outcomes.