What would your child do? | Caught being kind
Kids are learning emotional intelligence skills at »ÆÉ«app. But how will they act when no adults are around? It's not always easy to do the kind thing.
When honesty isn't part of the curriculum
Honesty is part and parcel of integrity, fairness, and wisdom — and that needs to be spelled out for kids, at home and in the classroom.
Vivienne Harr: teaching empathy by example
Vivienne's only 11, but she's trying to end child slavery. It's not always easy to keep going. Here's how she stays positive.
Raise a child with emotional intelligence in 10 minutes a day
Help your child master essential skills such as empathy and self-control.
Empathy's poster child
Touched by an image of child slaves, a little girl pledges to do something about it — and turns her family upside down.
Build their emotional smarts
Research shows kids with emotional intelligence are happier, healthier, kinder, and more successful – and that's why we're unveiling a whole new section of our parenting website devoted to emotional smarts.
Mad-Sad-Glad Libs
What’s the secret to raising confident, happy kids? It starts with emotional intelligence. (And playing games is a sneakily effective way to learn!)
Understanding the Feeling Words Curriculum from the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence
Kathryn Lee from Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence talks about why it's important for kids to have a feeling words vocabulary.
Mood Meter
How are you feeling? Robin Stern from Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence explains how to really answer that question.
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