How to praise 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders
The right (and wrong) way to cheer on your third, fourth, or fifth grader.
How to praise tweens and teens
The right (and wrong) way to cheer on your tween or teen.
5 ways to help your child focus (based on science!)
Keep distractions at bay with these evidence-based tips for getting kids to stay on task.
8 tips to boost your child's confidence
Tips to help you teach your child how to stick with it and not give up — and build confidence along the way.
8 famous "failures" kids can learn from
Think successful people — like Rihanna — never make mistakes? Think again.
Teaching good decision making
Knowing how to make good decisions is a vital life skill your child can begin to learn now.
Learning to follow directions
Having trouble getting your child to do what you ask? Here are some simple tricks to keep him on track.
Raising responsible kids
Helping your kids learn to be responsible is one of the greatest life tools you can give them.
Tips for teaching generosity: middle-»ÆÉ«appers
An expert in getting kids to see the point of giving offers tips for teaching preteens the gift of generosity.
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