Anger issues in children: diagnostic and treatment
Learn how prolonged, intense anger outbursts in children may be related to other disorders—or not—and how to cope.
Stay connected! Family websites to the rescue
Social networking on the Web enables families near and far to keep in touch.
It worked: setting goals for the future
A mother describes a strategy that helped her communicate with her son and his teacher about an issue they disagreed on.
Helping your child connect »ÆÉ«app to work
Your middle »ÆÉ«apper may not understand why learning algebra, science or how to write essays matters. You can help make those »ÆÉ«app-to-life connections.
Bitter Melon excerpt
An excerpt from Cara Chow's new novel about growing up the daughter of a strict and demanding Chinese mother.
Self-acceptance and self-esteem in tweens: Beacon Street Girlsâ„¢
In this engaging series, the author creates joyful, well-rounded characters in books for 9- to 12-year-old girls.
What teachers know: Roy Hudson
An award-winning high »ÆÉ«app teacher on helping kids like themselves.
The challenges of romance for teens with LD
Learn how and why teens with learning and attention difficulties often misunderstand the nuances of dating -- and how you can help.
Playing superhero is normal for little ones — within limits
Pre»ÆÉ«appers love tapping into their inner superhero. Here's how to keep it from promoting aggressive behavior.
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