Quit or carry on: when should you let your child give up?
Parents have different rules when their child makes a commitment. Here's what to consider when your child says they're done with something.
Talking to kids about tragedy
How to talk to your child about events with no easy explanation.
Self-esteem in children
How self-esteem and its various definitions affects all aspects of a child's life -- especially in kids with learning difficulties.
Building my son's self-esteem
When my child was identified with LD, I worried about how I was going to build and maintain his self-esteem.
How can parents spot low self-esteem in their children?
An expert describes the signs and symptoms of low self-esteem in kids — and how to spot them in your child.
How can teachers foster self-esteem in children?
Teachers play an important role in nurturing a student's sense of dignity and self-worth.
Helping teens develop self-determination: an excerpt from Guiding Teens with Learning Disabilities
In an excerpt from Guiding Teens with LD, author Arlyn Roffman, Ph.D. explains how to help your teen develop self-determination.
How do Asian students get to the top of the class?
Why do many Asian students excel? The secret is parenting, say the authors of the provocative book Top of the Class: How Asian Parents Raise High Achievers — and How You Can Too.
Learn why kids with ADHD can seem spaced out one minute but hyperfocused the next
Kids with ADHD can seem spaced out one minute but hyperfocused the next. Learn why this occurs — and how trouble with self-control is at the heart of this paradox.
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