Gratitude: the cure for entitlement and materialism
10 tips from experts on promoting gratitude in our kids.
7 do's and and don'ts to help your child develop empathy
Help your child develop empathy by fostering an emotionally intelligent environment.
Is your child resilient?
Resilience is a skill that serves kids throughout their lives. Robin Stern of the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence explains how parents can foster this quality in their child.
Raise confident kids by speaking their love language
Knowing how your child interprets love — and that it may be different than how you do — can make a world of difference in parenting.
Motivating the unmotivated student
Here's how you can help your student plan for the future.
Teaching kids to stay focused under pressure
For some kids, when the pressure's on, the ability to focus turns off. Here's how mindfulness lessons can help kids bypass distractions to do their best.
Character education puts values in »ÆÉ«apps' lesson plans.
No longer afraid of teaching values, many »ÆÉ«apps have added character education to their lesson plans.
Optimism and motivation: keys to your child's success
Two psychologists describe the inborn optimism and motivation that drive children to learn and develop — and how you can nurture those traits.
The benefits of SEL for your child's development
Social-emotional learning (SEL) has profound benefits for children, enhancing emotional intelligence, academic performance, and overall well-being.
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