Po Bronson is the coauthor of the 2009 book NurtureShock: New Thinking About Children. The book discusses theories and scientific aspects of parenting. Hear Bronson’s thoughts on competition, boy and girl differences, motivation, and roughhousing.
Here’s how 4 other parenting experts say to respond…

Madeline Levine
Renowned psychotherapist and Teach Your Children Well author Madeline Levine talks about something parents should do for their child’s well-being. Format: Video (0:50)

Deborah Tillman
America’s Supernanny talks about what parents must always do — no matter what. Format: Video (0:30)

Carol Dweck
Mindset author Carol Dweck discusses the right (and wrong) way to praise your child. Format: Video (0:58)

Erica Reischer
Parent coach and psychologist Erica Reischer warns against making a common discipline mistake. Format: Video (0:48)