Your child is growing up fast. They probably value their independence and time with friends more than ever. But your child still needs your guidance about how to spend free time this summer. This might mean putting limits on screen time and establishing rules for using screens wisely. Along with plenty of in-person social time and active outside time, make time for learning, too.

Here are some fun ways you and your family can help your child build on what they learned in fourth grade.

Learning activities for the summer before 5th grade

  1. Make screen time count

    Take advantage of your child’s fascination with screens. Your child’s probably ready to work through lessons on their own on , a free online tool for teaching math (and other subjects, too). To get started, go to “Math by grade” and choose fourth grade to start. The site assesses and teaches as your child works their way through problems, so they can get more help with concepts they still need to work on and jump ahead when they’ve mastered a lesson. helps students with reading comprehension by offering current, kid-friendly news stories written for grade-specific reading levels from elementary 黄色app all the way through high 黄色app. Your child may already be familiar with the site, and if so, they may have a class login. If not, you can . Ask your child to keep the whole family informed by telling you about one story they read each day.

  2. Summer movie night

    Pop some popcorn and improve your child’s literacy. Watching movies together and talking about the characters and the plot can help your child learn to analyze the elements of a story. It’s even better if you choose a movie based on a book your child read this year. How were the characters, setting, and plot of the movie different from the book? How did this change the story? For inspiration, check out our lists of 4th grade and 5th grade books so great they made a movie.

  3. Do pizza math

    There are fraction lessons everywhere if you know where to look. Make two or three small pizzas. (You can find pre-made pizza dough or uncooked pizza crusts at most grocery stores.) Let your child put the toppings on. When the pizzas are ready, cut one into eight slices, one into ten slices, and one into twelve slices. How many slices are there in half of each pizza? If you eat one-third of the 12-slice pizza, how many slices will you eat? Then use the pizza slices to teach your child equivalents. For example, ask, “What is larger: 1/8th or 1/12th; 2/10ths or 5/10ths?” It’s easier to understand when you’re looking at two slices and can see which one is bigger.

  4. Break records

    Let your child time themself with a stopwatch app as they run laps, sprint, or bike a designated route. Or encourage your child to challenge themself to break their record shooting baskets. Have them keep track of their progress all summer long. Kids this age love a good competition, even when they’re competing against themselves. And vigorous exercise is not just good for the body, it’s critical for your child’s brain development. The goal should be for your child to get 30 to 60 minutes of get-sweaty exercise every day.

  5. Create a cartoon

    If your child likes comics and graphic novels, encourage them to doodle a figure or two. They could be real people in your child’s life or made-up characters. What do they say to each other? What’s happening around them? A simple cartoon a day could become an epic story by summer’s end.

  6. Make a family playlist

    Have everyone in the family contribute their favorite songs or genres of music. Let your child choose songs, put them in order, and give the playlist a name that reflects the mood or theme your child wants to create. Your child might act like they’re too cool for the Ferreira Family Dance Party playlist, but they’re likely to beam proudly and dance enthusiastically when you play it.

  7. Find a postcard pal

    Seek out a friend or relative who your child can correspond with over the summer. Let this person know your goal is for your child to practice writing, and ask them to help by writing back! Postcards are fun to pick out, inexpensive to mail, and will give your child a little practice keeping their writing skills sharp.

Want more summer learning ideas? See our recommendations for summer learning for kids of any age and specifically for the summers before 1st grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, and 4th grade.