Plant parts salad
How you can help at home: Make a healthy salad out of plant parts.
Needs and wants
How you can help at home: Explore needs and wants with your child.
Macaroni word play
Make words out of macaroni to help your beginning reader practice language skills.
Parents' tips to inspire reading
Check out our readers' suggestions for summer learning ideas.
Pantry poetry: let food be your muse
Let food inspire your child to practice descriptive writing.
Eric Carle collage
How you can help at home: In this activity your child makes a collage with tissue paper and paint.
Animal, vegetable, mineral
How can you help at home? Have your child use descriptive words to write about an object.
How my ADHD son became a splashing success
Different strokes for different folks is the motto one mom adopted while helping her young son with ADHD find his sport.
Crayon-resist still life
How you can help at home: In this art activity your child creates a still life with crayons and watercolors.
Steps of a recipe
Writing the steps of a recipe in order will help develop your first-grader's thinking skills.
Making bread:a tasty way to do science
Making bread provides opportunities to measure, question and observe.
Follow a recipe
How you can help at home: Cooking with your child helps build skills in reading directions and measurement.
The right shoes to get your child moving
How you can help at home: Shoes designed to move help kids develop coordination, which is crucial to development.
Get moving
How You Can Help at Home: Skipping is more than child's play. It's crucial for development. Here's how parents can help.
Mixing colors activity
In this activity your child learns about primary colors and practices mixing them to make secondary colors.
Autumn leaf walk
How you can help at home: In this fun and educational activity your pre»ÆÉ«apper explores leaves she has collected outside.
Choose the summer program that's right for your child
Setting your priorities first will help you sort through the specialty programs and camps to find the best ones for your child.
5 easy ways to exercise your child's creativity
In our busy family lives, it's easy to forget that children need time to do what comes naturally: let their imaginations run wild.
Activities for readers, grades 2–5
Talking, playing and even cooking with your child can help reinforce the reading skills learned in »ÆÉ«app. Here's how.
Successful artist with LD and ADHD seeks to inspire others
Working with paint and clay kept Robert Toth going when repeated »ÆÉ«app failure threatened his self-esteem. Now a world-class artist, he shares his story in hopes of inspiring others with learning disabilities.
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