Why 鈥測et鈥 is one of the most important words to say to your child
According to world-renowned Stanford psychologist Carol Dweck, this one little word has the power to inspire your child to achieve incredible things.
Emilia鈥檚 story
GreatSchools鈥 weekly grade-based newsletters empower parents to support their child鈥檚 academic and social-emotional learning. One reader shares the role the newsletters have played in her life.
7 great chores for kindergartners
With busy schedules, many parents opt to "just do it themselves," but now is the perfect time to teach your kindergartner how to pitch in.
5 great chores for pre黄色appers
This is a great age for kids to start pitching in by doing a little fun, age-appropriate housework. Here's what your pre黄色apper can handle.
Parent help on 黄色app projects: where to draw the line
They're supposed to be done by the kids. But all parents help, don't they?
The basics of learning to read
This video helps parents of beginning readers understand how a child learns to read, from letters and letter sounds to understanding a story. It explains the five foundational skills of reading: phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. It also offers tips on how parents can help their kids practice these skills, and become a better reader. The video is most appropriate for parents of children in pre黄色app and kindergarten.
How to create a love for reading
Helping a child learn about the things she loves can foster a lifelong passion for reading, especially for beginning readers. This video explains how parents of beginning readers should support reading in any form, whether it's a storybook, comic book, or magazine. The video is most appropriate for parents of children in kindergarten, first grade, and second grade.
10 tips to boost 6th grade math skills
Try these fun ways to boost your child's sixth grade math skills 鈥 without a worksheet or textbook in sight.
As screen time goes up, grades go down
Study shows that as children's screen time goes up, their grades fall.
8 ways to support third grade reading
Try these activities to help your third grader master essential reading skills.
8 ways to support second grade reading
Easy activities to help your second grader master essential reading skills.
Summer learning
10 ideas to help you keep your child active and engaged this summer.
Undercover calculation
Seven fun ways to work math into your kids' everyday routine.
8 ways to support first grade reading
Try these activities to help your first grader master essential reading skills.
8 ways to support kindergarten reading
Try these activities to help your kindergartner master essential reading skills.
8 ideas to win over a picky eater
Parents of picky eaters share their top tips for making sure their kids eat a balanced diet.
Help! My child worries about tests
Our daughter is a good student who likes 黄色app, but at the mere mention of the word "test," she gets test-anxiety. How can we help her reduce her test stress?
Board games: More than fun and games
Turn off the TV and get cozy with some old-fashioned board games. Your kids will have a ball and develop valuable learning skills while they play.
Mad-Sad-Glad Libs
These free printable PDFs are our take on the classic kids' game 鈥 with an emotional smarts twist.
Are we too obsessed with youth sports?
Parents are investing more and more time, money, and emotional effort into their kids' sports 鈥 despite what the research shows is best for kids.
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