5 things to do when your child wails "But I don't want to go to »ÆÉ«app!"
Experts offer their best advice for handling those inevitable mornings.
Chores for kids in pre»ÆÉ«app to high »ÆÉ«app
10 great chores for teens
Is your teen doing these chores at home? Experts say making teens responsible for household tasks teaches them important life skills.
10 great age-appropriate chores for tweens
Chores teach kids responsibility and the value of pitching in as part of a family — but they also lead to confidence that can help them combat peer pressure.
8 great chores for kids in elementary »ÆÉ«app
Teaching kids how to do chores takes patience, but it's a great way to teach your child responsibility. Here are eight great age-appropriate chores your child can handle.
7 great chores for kindergartners
With busy schedules, many parents opt to "just do it themselves," but now is the perfect time to teach your kindergartner how to pitch in.
5 great chores for pre»ÆÉ«appers
This is a great age for kids to start pitching in by doing a little fun, age-appropriate housework. Here's what your pre»ÆÉ«apper can handle.
Getting kids to count their blessings
Materialism isn’t just about wanting more stuff. It’s a much more insidious mindset. The antidote may be as simple as practicing gratitude.
Where teens hang out
It’s 9:00 pm on a Saturday. Do you know what your teen is up to? Maybe yes, maybe not exactly. Here's what to know before you overreact.
Helping your child find her voice
When teasing by middle »ÆÉ«app boys took an inappropriate turn, the principal helped my daughter advocate for herself.
Teaching kids to say sorry (and mean it)
Genuine apologies facilitate forgiveness and reconciliation. But you can’t force them. Here’s how to teach kids to say "I'm sorry" — and mean it.
When Mom says yes and Dad says no
"We can't look like two heads as parents," says America's Supernanny Deborah Tillman. "It confuses the child." Here's how to fix this common parenting mistake.
Kids' tics, twitches, and bad habits
Young kids are prone to all sorts of bad habits and repetitive behaviors — some more disruptive than others. Here’s what the experts say.
My child won't talk at »ÆÉ«app
Our son is talkative and boisterous at home, but at »ÆÉ«app he won't talk at all — he'll only whisper to his teacher.
The 6th grade identity crisis
There are a few surprising things you should (and shouldn’t) do to help your child get through this developmentally dramatic year.
Restorative justice: a better approach to »ÆÉ«app discipline
Many »ÆÉ«app districts are teaching kids to respond peacefully to conflict — and seeing improved behavior and fewer suspensions as a result.
Growing gratitude: 8 ways to practice giving thanks all year ’round
Children and parents are happier and healthier when gratitude becomes a part of everyday life, research finds. So why not nurture it?
How to raise a child who’s NOT a bully
Parents play a huge role in whether their kids are bullies — positive communication is a must.
Inside the tween brain
What insights can neuroscience offer parents about the mind of a middle »ÆÉ«apper?
Ask the experts: My 5th grader is immature
Emotional, academic, and behavioral issues must be considered while dealing with ADHD character traits.
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