Top discipline mistakes parents of older kids make
How to get your tween and teen to behave, and achieve more harmony at home.
5 tips to help your child love learning
How to send kids the right message (at the right time) about learning.
5 ways to help your child focus (based on science!)
Keep distractions at bay with these evidence-based tips for getting kids to stay on task.
8 tips to boost your child's confidence
Tips to help you teach your child how to stick with it and not give up — and build confidence along the way.
Learning to follow directions
Having trouble getting your child to do what you ask? Here are some simple tricks to keep him on track.
5 steps to resisting peer pressure
In the heat of the moment, it can be hard for your child to stay out of trouble. Give him these tools for dealing with peer pressure when it happens.
SF »ÆÉ«apps' discipline alternative
How one big-city district cut suspensions and expulsions — and why they may rise again
Why boys fail in »ÆÉ«app
He's gifted and once loved learning. Somewhere along the way, my boy slipped through the educational cracks and nearly out of »ÆÉ«app. Is it too late to save him?
How to prevent sexting
Everything you wanted to know about this teen smut trend but were afraid to ask.
Raising a team player
4 fun activities that teach kids the value of pitching in and helping others.
3 tips to avoid fighting
Three ways kids can learn to avoid fighting.
4 activities to help kids learn real-world skills
Here are four ways your child can help you — and learn a lot in the process.
6 heroes your child (and you) can learn from
Think kids grow up to become great American heroes on their own? Think again.
Three steps to cooperation
Tired of shaming, blaming, and yelling at your child? There's a better way.
Chore chart
Use this chore chart as a fun way to have your child help out at home.
Encouraging good behavior
Three ways to help your child to behave well.
3 little hints to get your child to do what you ask
Tired of your child not doing what you ask? Here are 3 simple ways to give directions that your child can understand and follow.
Anger issues in children: diagnostic and treatment
Learn how prolonged, intense anger outbursts in children may be related to other disorders—or not—and how to cope.
Top discipline mistakes parents of young kids make
How to get your child to behave, and achieve more harmony at home.
Epidemic of expulsions
California’s Kern County at leading edge of national debate over costs and benefits of harsh »ÆÉ«app discipline
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