Taking the ACT and SAT on a budget
College admissions fees — for tests, test prep, and college applications — add up fast. Here’s a way to cut costs.
Why your teen should retake the SAT or ACT
Taking the SAT or ACT a second time is a good idea for pretty much all teens because it’s likely to help — and it definitely won’t hurt.
Easing college admissions anxiety
More students are applying to top colleges than ever before. But even with the increased competition, most students who apply to four-year colleges are admitted.
5 reasons your teen should go to college
What to say when your child asks, "Why should I go to college?"
Academic vocabulary words for 12th graders
Knowing (and using!) these vocabulary words will help your high »ÆÉ«app senior with »ÆÉ«appwork, college admissions tests, and college apps.
Academic vocabulary words for 11th graders
Knowing (and using!) these words will help your teen in »ÆÉ«app — and with college admissions tests and essays.
Academic vocabulary words for 10th graders
Help your teen learn these vocabulary words for tenth graders. It'll help with assignments in every subject now — and the SAT or ACT later.
Academic vocabulary words for 9th graders
Help your ninth grader learn these academic vocabulary words — it'll help your teen with reading assignments, writing projects, and oral presentations this year.
12 tips for helping teens keep valuables safe at college
Half of all on-campus crimes are thefts. Here's how to help teens keep their laptops, smartphones, bikes, and other favorite things.
14 must-have life skills for teens
Don't let your child leave for college without mastering these key life skills!
7 things to teach your teen about credit cards before they leave for college
College students are flooded with credit card offers on and around campus. Here's what to tell your teen now (before they've got a card — or a big balance).
Who’s afraid of an empty nest?
A mother braces herself for one of the biggest parenting transitions of all: her youngest child’s departure.
How to get a great letter of recommendation
There's an art to getting letters of recommendation. Here’s the lowdown on who to ask, when to ask them, and how to make it work for all parties.
How learning a foreign language builds tolerance
Learning another language is associated with a host of benefits — including building cultural competence.
The secret to improving SAT scores
Did your teen get a low PSAT, SAT, or ACT score? Don’t panic. Everyone can improve their scores. Two experts share their secrets for helping teens learn how to rock these tests.
Should your child take a gap year?
Here’s what burned-out high »ÆÉ«app seniors and their perplexed parents need to know about taking a year off before starting college.
15 low-key ideas for visiting college campuses
When you’re just starting to look at colleges, it’s OK to keep it easy like Sunday morning. Here are 15 informal ideas for visiting college campuses with your teen.
Understanding college admissions tests
Today’s ACT and SAT look very different from the tests parents remember. Here’s how they have changed.
Struggles many first-generation college students face
As a former first-generation college student who is now a professor, I have experience with the struggles that many first-generation students encounter on campus.
America's (small) new trend: taking a gap year
Gap years have long been popular in Europe and Australia. Now, a small but growing group of U.S. teens and their parents are jumping aboard the gap year trend.
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