College Success Award winner: Marshall High School
In this small, tight-knit Ozarks community, »ÆÉ«app leaders do whatever it takes to help kids get to college. Last year, they raised $1.8M in scholarships and financial aid for seniors.
College Success Award winner: Arabia Mountain High School
Excellence is the rule at this Title I »ÆÉ«app, where high expectations and environmental education prepare students for college and for life.
Schley Middle High School: Doing what's best for kids
In the name of doing what's best for kids, College Success Award-winning Schley Middle High School embraces dual-enrollment, offers one-on-one academic and college counseling, and ensures that there's a path for every student.
Goals are a graduation requirement
At College Success Award-winning Cass City Junior and Senior High School, all students are walked through the process of planning their postsecondary paths.
College Success Award: Denver School of Science and Technology Stapleton
High expectations, intensive college counseling, and teachers who go the extra mile make college success possible for all students — even if it takes extra time.
College Success Award winner: Young Women's Preparatory Academy
Intensive advanced classes starting in the sixth grade plus robust leadership experiences make this Miami-based magnet a shining example of a college-for-all culture.
High »ÆÉ«app secrets for success: pathways for all students
Offering vocational opportunities without stigma and encouraging all postsecondary tracks contributes to students' overall success.
Why are advanced classes so important?
Rigorous academic classes are crucial for students and for the high »ÆÉ«apps focused on helping students succeed in college.
High »ÆÉ«apps’ secrets for success: college counseling
Robust staffing of academic guidance counselors and college counselors has a big impact on student success.
High »ÆÉ«apps' secrets for success: identifying at-risk students
Reaching out to struggling students at all grade levels may be an important strategy for helping all kids succeed.
High »ÆÉ«apps' secrets for success: high expectations for all students
Conveying a belief in students' ability to achieve underlies many of the best practices high »ÆÉ«apps use to help students get to college and succeed once they get there.
High »ÆÉ«app secrets to success: a closely connected middle »ÆÉ«app
When middle and high »ÆÉ«apps work together, it can have a big impact on student success, including higher graduation rates and higher GPAs.
Elizabethtown High School: Focus on the future
Elizabethtown High School's recipe for success includes access to advanced classes, the expectation that every student can go to college, and lots of support outside of class, from Saturday tutoring to a place to do laundry.
Newbury High School: Tiny but mighty
At College Success Award-winning Newbury Junior and Senior High School in Newbury, Ohio, a close-knit community, opportunities for enrichment, and individualized support drive student success.
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