Your third grader and technology
Third graders learn the names of various computer parts and how to use a mouse to maneuver items on the screen.
Your fifth grader and technology
By the end of fifth grade, your child should demonstrate advanced keyboarding skills to edit her work.
Stay connected! Family websites to the rescue
Social networking on the Web enables families near and far to keep in touch.
Your second grader and technology
Your second-grader will learn to use technology tools like clip art, email, and even simple graphing software.
Your kindergartner and technology
Kindergartners use computers to kick-start learning in math, social studies, and reading.
Making the most of standard technology to enhance learning
Learn how readily available electronic text can be adapted to support and enhance your child's learning.
Technology in the classroom: Fad or foundation for learning?
From cell phones to laptops, technology tools are becoming standard equipment for many students, raising questions about how they're being used.
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